Post your property

Basic info

Rental type

We suggest you to allow flatshare to increase rental income.

sq ft
  Bedrooms     Living rooms  

Fill in the address of your room. We suggest you not to include the exact floor and room number for security reason.

Our system matches tenant according to geo-location, please confirm the address is written correctly

Pan and zoom the map until the
center red circle points to the flat location

Our system matches tenant according to geo-location,
please confirm the map marker is set correctly

Mark your room on the map

Many tenants use map to find rooms, please accurately mark your room location for quicker rent-out.


Tenacy agreement

Clearly state tenacy terms such as rent, deposit, rental period.




Ad info

Detailed room description effectively increases rent-out rate!

Detailed description leave good impression to tenants, which leads to quicker rent-out.

Describe your room in detail such as room's equipment, the decoration, surroundings, description about existing roommates (if any).

No idea? Click here for an example

Do not include contact info

Detailed description leave good impression to tenants, which leads to quicker rent-out. Describe your room in detail such as room's equipment, the decoration, surroundings, description about existing roommates (if any).
No idea? Click here for an example

Do not include contact info

Roommates Description (Optional)

Detailed roommate description

Describe roommates in detail such as their personalities, schedule, habit and roommate expectation.

No idea? Click here for an example

Do not include contact info

Describe roommates in detail such as their personalities, schedule, habit and roommate expectation.
No idea? Click here for an example

Do not include contact info

Flat photos

Splendid photos

According to our statistics, ad with splendid photos effectively attracts 5x more tenants!

Photos should clearly show each partition inside the house including living room, bedroom, kitchen, washroom.

Please upload more than one splendid photos, the more the better. We recommend you to upload at least 5 photos.

Splendid photos
According to our statistics, ad with splendid photos effectively attracts 5x more tenants! Photos should clearly show each partition inside the house including living room, bedroom, kitchen, washroom. Please upload more than one splendid photos, the more the better. We recommend you to upload at least 5 photos.

It will be shown on search result, please upload a splendid photo!

It will be shown on info page, tenants could learn more about your flat. Drag and drop photos to change orders.


Register to post room

Having problems? Email us at

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