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大埔滘 , 403

6000 /month

大埔 , 315

13500 /month

Sheung Wan , 314

8000 /month

馬鞍山 , 493

12000 /month

荔枝角 , 730

6500 /month

Flatshare matching service in Homates

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budget 5000 work Medical from Hong Kong

爽朗易相處。 想尋找屯門、掃管笏或黃金海岸青山公路一帶,有會所的屋苑合租。budget ard 5.5K。wts app: 6I7 6I7 9I。

Jan 1 move-in
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budget 7000 work Catering from

Hi I’m britta, I’m 18 and I’m looking for an apartment somewhere on Hong Kong island with a rent cap of 7K, to either flat share or just rent a studio

Feb 16 move-in
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budget 7000 work Administrative from Hong Kong

Hello, I am looking for a place with good air condition and good neighborhood.

Feb 1 move-in
New roommate

budget 7000 work Finance from Hong Kong

Hi, 我想搬去一個靜啲,有樹木嘅地方住,想養寵物,想開始煮野食。我比較少野講,不過唔介意你多野講嘅 🤣 希望搵到差唔多年紀嘅女士夾租啦!暫時睇中左南Y 島同元朗嘅村屋,你有其他建議都可以架! Tg sally9876

Move-in now
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budget 5000 work Education from

Hello想搬出黎有多啲自己空間 唔係好識煮野但有人一齊煮都好 可以夾返錢 冇乜喜好返工放工 想做返運動 而家做緊補習老師返2-9pm

Jan 15 move-in
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budget 8000 work Others from Hong Kong

Hihi, 單身女仔來自己試下出去住。唔喜歡嘈音,唔中意做太複雜嘅家務,所以可能有小許雜亂,不過會係自己空間,公共地方一定會保持清潔。有興趣可約出黎傾下。

Feb 1 move-in
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budget 15000 work Self-Employed from Mainland China


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budget 7000 work Information Technology from Taiwan

Hello 大家好 我來自台灣但我已經在香港工作九年. 我本身是從事IT工作是9-18. 目前在沙田有租一間兩房一廳的房子. 希望能找到合適的室友. 本身作息比較正常所以比較喜歡安靜和乾淨的室友. 可以主動連繫我喔 TG: @al_changy 謝謝. ^_^ Hello everyone I'm from Taiwan but have been working in Hong Kong for nine years. Currently I rent apartment with two bedrooms and one living room in Sha Tin. Hope to find a suitable roommate. My interests are relatively normal, so I prefer roommates who are quiet and clean. My TG: @al_changy Thanks. ^_^

Jan 6 move-in